Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why do you Run and What Keeps You Going?

Since I do the Running hobby, every time I surfing on internet I become often visit the sites about running and read the articles. The following article is an article that I think can inspire people who just started to Run to keep going Run. 
What Keeps You Going?
Why do you run? What is it that drags you to the road every time? Why do you need to go before you go crazy? Why do you drag yourself through the pain of warming up, running for a long time, getting tired, feeling pain and sweating like hell?
Why is it that you go mad if you get injured and cannot run for a while?
Is it to be fit? To lose weight? To feel good? To be part of that group of people who know they need to run to survive?
Or just because you have become addicted to that wonderful feeling of knowing you can do it? Knowing you can run whatever distance you want. Maybe 21 kilometers. Maybe less, maybe more, but always, you know you can do it.
Maybe you feel pain while you’re at it. Maybe you have a moment of weakness and think you won’t make it. But all of that is instantly forgotten the moment you reach the finish.
All of that is gone the moment you stop and start to stretch. You have done it. You reached your goal and know you can.
At least, that’s why I do it. I started out to get fit. I wanted to lose weight. It wasn’t easy. At first I couldn’t run as far as I wanted to. At first my heart rate wouldn’t go down as much as I wanted it to. I was hurting all over. Feeling bad. Feeling angry because it didn’t go the way I wanted it to go.
But I did not give in. I kept on going. Only to learn that I really could do it. To learn that if I kept on going, there was nothing I could not do. Slowly but surely I became fit. Slowly but surely I lost weight. I reached my goals.
But once I got fit, once I lost weight, I couldn’t stop anymore. I had to run. I had to keep on going.
I had become an addict. I have to admit it. I am an addict.
And am proud to be one!
I have to run every other day. If not, I get nervous. I become a burden to my environment.
I need it to keep my mind sane. To get my thoughts arranged. To think about what has gone by. To relive the difficult parts and learn from them. To experience the easy parts again and enjoy them one more time.
To dream about what’s ahead and plan it in the best possible way.
Not troubled by any other distraction than the sound of music I have chosen myself. Running to the beats of my favorite songs.
Accompanied by the voice of my Runkeeper companion that guides me through the distance and tells me how I’m doing.
A voice I have grown to love. A voice I miss when I don’t hear it for a while. A sound that makes me dream about the woman who donated her voice to the ultimate goal of helping all those thousands of runners around the world reach their targets.
When I run, all things that keep me busy pass through my mind. Both the good things and the bad things. I find solutions for the issues that trouble me. I see challenges in ways I wasn’t able to see them before. Solve riddles and puzzles. See how life can be broken down to simpler parts.
While running I find new things to do. I get ideas for books. I see things I have never seen before.
And I fantasize. About every possible thing. I dream of winning the lottery. I dream of becoming a worldwide bestselling author. I dream about…
Everything you can dream about.
But it does not stop at dreaming. A lot of the thoughts I have had while running have turned into reality. They have become real books. Real projects. Genuine successes. Original solutions to multiple problems.
My running is my doctor. My running is my medicine. Running is what I need to remain healthy, both physically and mentally.
My worst nightmare is the day someone would tell me I have to stop. Something has gone wrong inside my body and the road is longer mine to conquer.
I really do hope that day will never come. And if it does I will fight it, with all that I have. With all that I am.
But until that day, the road will remain mine to take. The miles will be mine to run. My personal victories will be mine to achieve.
My running will be mine to do.

(Taken from )

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I've made the RUN!

Ngga lagi cuma wacana. Ngga lagi cuma rencana. Ngga lagi cuma bicara. Oh yeah I've made it now.

Berawal dari kesediaan teman saya @marietya atas ajakan saya untuk ikut berolahraga lari bersama komunitas @indorunners  setiap Kamis malam di FX Sudirman - Senayan (Thursday Night Run: TNR), membawa saya kepada satu rutinitas baru. Kemudian ditambah  perkenalan dengan @shintasarie @doriasamosir @jengtera dan Weiling, para perempuan perkasa yang sudah terlebih dahulu menjadikan lari sebagai aktivitas wajibnya, membuat saya semakin ingin berlari..berlari..berlari terus sampai menembus batas kekuatan tubuh. *oke mulai berlebihan*

Enam kali pergi berlari di Thursday Night Run dan Saturday Morning Run bersama mereka, sudah langsung membuat saya nekat mengiyakan ajakan untuk mengikuti perlombaan lari 5K di Allianz Jakarta Heart Run 2012. Well..ngga lebih nekat dari keinginan saya sebelumnya yang ingin ikut 5K Mandiri Run for Nation kemarin sendirian tanpa berlatih dulu siih. Paling tidak untuk ikut race ini persiapannya sudah terlebih dulu berkeringat deras, berwajah merona seperti kepiting rebus dan terengah engah seperti dikejar Soang di rutinitas lari setiap minggunya. And I'm proud of my self because i could  FINISH the race. Yaah walopun ritmenya juga masih lari lari jalan lari jalan jalan lari. Hehehe. 

One Race has finished then there will be next Race and of course there also will be more running routines which means I really really have to replace my high school already broken running shoes with the new one. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Running 5K?

Run Run Run Run. Itu yang ada dipikiran saya akhir akhir ini. Serius saya mau lari. Pengen banget lari. I'm talking about the Run in one of sport activities ya.. Bukannya lari dari masalah, tanggung jawab, ataupun yang sering menjadi bahan becandaan..lari dari kenyataan.

Saking inginnya untuk mulai merutinkan lagi olahraga ini (terakhir kali rutin jaman kuliah), saya nekat daftar lomba marathon 5K di mandirirun4nation, salah satu kegiatan dari ulang tahunnya bankmandiri yang ke-14. Waktu lagi transaksi di internet bankingnya, lihat ada iklannya trus tanpa pikir panjang langsung register dan bayar. Karena prosesnya mudah banget, jadi cepat banget deh ter-registernya.

Padahal ya..saya udah hampir dua tahun ini ngga olahraga. Tiba-tiba aja gitu saya nekat ikutan lomba lari..Marathon 5K pula. Ini asli tindakan impulsif abis-abisan. Hahaha..

Daaan sodara sodara.. sehari sebelum pelaksanaan lomba, saya sakit dong. Memang sebenernya saya udah sakit terkena infeksi lambung sejak seminggu kemarin. Tapi sudah berangsur membaik dan saya yakin bisa jadi ikutan lomba itu. Coba aja waktu hari Jumat ngga hujan deras, saya bisa pulang cepat sampai rumah dan ngga kegerimisan di jalan. Juga..coba saya ngga makan rendang dan salad pizza hut waktu sampai di rumah hari itu, lambung saya ngga akan bereaksi lagi. Jika hal-hal itu ngga terjadi..mungkin malam ini saya sudah sedang tidur, bersiap untuk berlari pagi ini.

Well..everything is happen for a reason, rite? Mungkin saya harus sadar diri untuk ngga nekat melakukan sesuatu hal yang seharusnya ada persiapannya terlebih dahulu. Untuk mulai lari lagi kan ngga harus langsung ikutan lomba marathon, gila. hahaha..

dan keinginan untuk berlari itu masih tetap ada..

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